TEN Consultants’ Executives, Mr. Valit Jiyavorananda (left) and Mr.Sucha Supenporn (right) paid a visit to the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce, located within the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Bangkok, hosted by Mr. Hans van den Born (middle), director of NTCC on 30th April, 2021.

The discussion was very fruitful and informative with a very warm welcome by Mr. Hans and Khun Papatsorn Krunggratoke, membership engagement & event manager of NTCC. This was a good step moving forward for TEN and NTCC to work collaboratively and progressively in supporting NTCC’s members and relevant future projects or assignments for the Netherlands business organizations in Thailand. Many upcoming events in Thailand will be organized by NTCC and definitely, TEN will participate as the new member of NTCC accordingly.
Thanks Mr. Hans again for a very kind hospitality. Next discussion will be coming shortly.